School Uniform

School uniform

A uniform adds pride to both school and student.  We expect all students to wear full, correct uniform at all times.  Our new school uniform has been developed in consultation with students, parents and the community, it as follows:-

  • St Peter’s school tartan skirt – knee length (Either pleated or kilt style) *
  • St Peter’s school blazer *
  • St Peter’s school grey pullover with purple trim (optional) *
  • St Peter’s school tie *
  • Mid grey regular leg trousers (not jersey)
  • Mid grey shorts (knee length) summer term only
  • Plain white shirt (short or long sleeved)
  • Grey socks
  • Plain grey knee length socks or grey cotton rich tights  (opaque tights not allowed)
  • Plain leather or leather look black shoes
  • Black or white hijab (worn appropriately)
  • St Peter’s school back pack (optional)
  • St Peter's school book bag (optional)

You will have the option to get initials stitched onto the bag and there is a name tag that can be used.  The bag must remain free of all other markings.

Games equipment

  • St Peter’s school super cool polo shirt *
  • Shadow black shorts (no logos or trims).  Shorts should not be tight cycling shorts.
  • Purple football socks
  • Ankle length white sports socks for summer
  • Outdoor trainers
  • Football boots (optional)
  • Shin pads
  • Plain black tracksuit, (no hoodies, no logos or trim)
  • Either black or St Peter’s new colours (purple and gold)* drawstring bag for PE kit.

High top trainer boots are not allowed.

*All uniform items marked with an asterisk are available from ‘School Days’ direct

School uniform is available from:

School Days Direct Ltd
20A Buckingham Avenue, Slough, SL1 4QA
Opening hours: Please visit their website.
Tel: 01628 665353
All items of clothing must be named with label or marked with indelible ink.


Children should arrive at school clean and tidy, and take pride in their appearance. Hairstyles should not be extreme and hair should not be coloured or bleached.  Boys' hair should not be cropped too close to the scalp.  Boys' and girls' hair, if long, should be tied back in lessons.  Nail varnish, cosmetics and jewellery or accessories should not be worn in school.  In the very rare event children so not to comply with the requirements there may be consequences for their choice and they could be sent home.

Jewellery is not appropriate to school life, and in some cases represents a safety hazard.  A watch is useful, but no earrings, rings or other jewellery/accessories should be worn.  A single pair of plain gold ear studs (NOT earrings) is accepted but must be removed for P.E.  No form of body piercing other than the above is acceptable.

Water Policy:  We encourage children to bring only water to school in clear, labelled bottles with a sports top.  They can be used in lessons and refilled at break.


It would be very helpful if you could provide the following for your child in September and during the year.

STATIONERY (all named please)

  • Writing Pen -  black ink, red pen
  • Pencils & Sharpener   (Sharpeners, which collect sharpenings, preferred)
  • 30cm Ruler (clear/translucent marked in cm and inches.)
  • Protractor (clear translucent)
  • Rubber
  • Scissors (without sharp points)
  • Glue Stick  (Solvent free)
  • Calculator (Key stage 3 - Scientific Calculator required e.g. Casio FX85 range)
  • Packet of Colour Pencil Crayons

Apron for art (could be an old t-shirt or shirt)

Gel pens are not required.  Solvent based pens and Correction fluid should not be brought into school

Please ensure all items are clearly marked with your child's name.


All clothing and kit should be marked with the student's name.  No responsibility can be taken if items are lost but we will endeavour to find them.


Children are not allowed mobile phones in school:  they are a source of major distraction and peer rivalry, and the school cannot be responsible for them.  If it is important for a child to have a mobile at the end of school it must be left with the school office during the day.


It is only with express written information by parents that children are to take any form of medicine during school hours and these should be given in to the School Office at the start of the day. If a child requires medication to be kept in school on a permanent basis, i.e. inhalers or epi pens, these should be given in to the School Office, they will be locked in the medicine cabinet in the First Aid Room for use when required.