You yourselves like living stones are being built up (1 Peter, 2:5) Aspire, Believe, Grow, Achieve
You yourselves like living stones are being built up - valued by God - and a unique member of our school community. You will continue to build firm foundations for life in all its fullness - spiritually, academically, socially and emotionally, as this is at the heart of everything we do. We want you to become a wise, compassionate and responsible citizen in today's multi-faith modern Britain.
Values and Ethos:
At our core are the values of: Wisdom, Integrity, Trust, Compassion and Fellowship. Through God and these values we will live out our motto:
To Aspire to be the very best we can, to Believe in our own abilities and those of the people around us, to Grow and develop continually and to Achieve the very best we can.
Children leave our school with a sense of belonging to a loving and supportive community where they have the confidence and skills to apply our 5 keys to success: self-management, challenge, connection making, creative thinking and problem solving. These visible learning habits allow the children to become lifelong learners.
- Strive for excellence with the gifts that God has given them
- Be socially and spiritually mature demonstrating a high degree of emotional intelligence, empathy, tolerance and understanding of Christian teaching and values
- Develop an appreciation and love of life-aesthetically, physically and spiritually
Please click on the link below for the Curriculum Vision and Intent