

St Peter’s Church of England Middle School is an academy within the family of the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust (ODST).  The Local Governing Body (LGB) has delegated authority from ODST in relation to St Peter’s Church of England Middle School.  Our school has members of the Local Governing Body (LGB).

Eight of the LGB member positions are Foundation Governors (which usually includes our local vicar) appointed by ODST Directors.

The Head of School is a Governor, ex-officio, appointed on account of office.  There are two Parent Governors and one Staff Governor, who may be a member of teaching staff or non-teaching staff.  Both Parent Governors and Staff Governor are elected members.  A Parent Governor may become a Foundation Governor, but they cannot be counted in both categories.

The Local Governing Body meets at least once every term, but often much more frequently than this.  Various sub-committees such as Finance and Premises and the Ethos Committee meet regularly and report back at full governing body meetings.  We have individual Governors with particular responsibilities, such as SEND and Safeguarding.  Further information about our Governors and the work they do is below.

Opportunities to meet the governors

There are several occasions during the year such as Parents’ Evenings, Open Evenings and New Parents’ Evenings when parents can meet with members of the Governing Body.  

Any parent who has any queries concerning their child’s education should discuss these with the school first. If they feel unable to resolve an issue after having discussed it with the school, they should write to the Chair of Governors, care of the Clerk to the Governors at the school office.

As Governors, we expect to see St Peter’s continue to develop and provide high quality education and care to our students as part of the Windsor community of schools.

Thank you for your interest in St Peter’s Church of England Middle School.  If you would like to contact the Governors, please email [email protected] or drop a letter into the School Office marked FAO: Clerk to the Governors, C/O St Peter’s School Office.

If you would like to become a Governor, please email [email protected] or drop a letter into the School Office marked FAO: Clerk to the Governors, C/O St Peter’s School Office.


Meet the Governors


Jane Whitehorn

Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor and Safeguarding

  • Member of Ethos, Finance and Premises
  • Term starts - 25/3/2019
  • Reappointed - 21/3/2023
  •  Term ends - 20/3/2027


Alexandra Burke



Sheryl Breach

Clerk to the Governors

Gemma Clements

Gemma Clements

Vice Chair & Parent Governor

  • Term starts – 14/11/2022
  • Term ends - 13/11/2026
vicar new

Revd Adel Shokralla

Foundation Governor

  • Member of Ethos Committee
  • Term starts – 12/10/2015
  • Reappointed - 6/12/2023
  • Term ends - 5/12/2027
  • Vicar - St Peter and St Andrew's Church
Catherine Wood

Catherine Wood

Parent Governor

  • Term starts - 30/01/2024
  • Term ends - 29/01/2028

Neil Knowles

Foundation Governor

  • Member Finance and Premises
  • Term starts - 22/9/2020
  • Term ends - 21/9/2024
Andrew Kitchin

Andrew Kitchin

Community Governor

  •  Term starts - 25/6/2024
  •  Term ends - 24/6/2028
Jon Bunn v2

Jon Bunn

Community Governor

  •  Member Finance and Premises
  •  Term starts - 17/9/2024
  •  Term ends - 16/9/2026

Robyn Deakin

Staff Governor

  •  Term starts - 5/6/2024
  •  Term ends - 4/6/2028

Committee structure

Ethos committee

Meets once each term.  Includes wellbeing and religious ethos. 

Finance and premises
Meets once each term. Tasked with improving financial monitoring and transparency. Ensure spend aligned with development plan and improving outcomes for pupils. Premises fit for use.

Exclusions Panel
Meets as needed to hear appeals against pupil exclusion.

Disciplinary Panel
Meets as needed to hear appeals against decisions of Head teacher.


Committee Chairs

  • Finance and Premises: Jonathan Bunn.
  • Ethos: Jane Whitehorn.

Governors Designated Role

  • Safeguarding: Jane Whitehorn.
  • Pupil premium, LAC, PLAC and SEND: Catherine Wood
  • Health & Safety: Neil Knowles.
  • Finance: Jonathan Bunn.


SPMS Governor Declarations of Interest

Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests

Updated April 2024



Position held

Date appointed

Relevant business and pecuniary interests

Date interest declared

Jane Whitehorn Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor

Reappointed:21.3.2023 Jane Myers Associates

Independent Dys Consultants

Gemma Clements Vice Chair of Governors

Parent Governor

14.11.2022 GolfBreaks Ltd 21.9.23
Fiona McPherson Foundation Governor 3.12.2020

Resignation: 11.12.2023

Eton College 21.9.23
Neil Knowles Foundation Governor 22.9.2020 Nothing to disclose 30.10.23
Revd. Adel Shokralla Foundation Governor 11.10.2019



Nothing to disclose 30.10.23
Jonathan Bunn Community Governor 22.9.2020 Nothing to disclose 30.10.23
Catherine Wood Parent Governor 30.1.2024 Nothing to disclose 22.4.24


Summary 2022/23

LGB Member Trustee/Board/LGB member elsewhere Relations trustee/Board/LGB member elsewhere Other employment/business related interests elsewhere Relations other employment/business related interests elsewhere
Jane Whitehorn None None Jane Myers Associates Ltd, Company owner delivering coaching, training and organisational change and development.Director None
Rev Adel Shokralla Vicar: St Peter’s and St Andrew’s Parish Church None None None
Jon Bunn None None Abb-Vie Ltd, US -based pharma - employee None
Fiona McPherson None Teacher at Eton College
Neil Knowles Global Academy Hayes, Education, School Business Manager None RBWM - Independent Councillor for Old Windsor with responsibility for education.

Member of the Royal Borough Development panel

Saf Angelo None None NHS Project Manager None
Scott Pocock None Army Education Centre Windsor, Officer in Charge
 Alex Burke (HT) None
Gemma Clements None None Golfbreaks (travel and hospitality) HR/ Management/Training/Sport None


